Executive Insights Whitepaper: Reputation management x brand intelligence

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Executive Insights Whitepaper: Reputation management x brand intelligence

Executive summary
The 1990s was a time of exploration into new worlds of possibility, from the publication of the first Harry Potter book to the birth of “Dolly” the first cloned sheep. Perhaps the most impactful of all — the internet became available for unrestricted commercial use. It was also the decade when the term “user experience”(UX) first emerged, and when the concept and discipline of “customer experience” (CX) were first introduced.

In a mere 32 years, we’ve gone from nascent ideas about the human experience online to a complex, connected hybrid world of online and offline experiences that propel brands of all types forward. Today, achieving business success requires a high-performance blend of humans with machines, automation with artificial intelligence, and business analytics with data science.
In a world where the economic roller coaster regularly pitches from boom to bust, businesses need to capitalize on every competitive advantage. It’s not enough to proffer quality products sold with a smile. Business leaders must establish the right blend of CX tools and tactics; artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics to manage their online reputation while harvesting essential Voice-of-the-Customer (VoC) feedback from an ever-increasing volume of unstructured data.

At Chatmeter, we believe the ability to deliver unparalleled CX starts with technology that combines streamlined reputation management, real-time deep listening, and customer sentiment brand intelligence — all from one connected platform that:
• Delivers a comprehensive end-to-end solution with “building-block” flexibility so businesses can start with individual tools and expand as needs evolve.
• Provides easy onboarding, plus strategic long-term support for ultimate optimization ensuring maximum value and success.
• Empowers teams across the organization in all roles and locations with full CX visibility, control, and intelligence.
From local listings and review management to sentiment analysis and hyper-local intelligence, the best technology eliminates guesswork. By tapping into 100% of the unstructured customer data that surveys and traditional reputation management solutions alone don’t offer, your brand gains the insights and intelligence required for growth in a competitive market.


Chatmeter is the brand intelligence company reimagining customer connections and reputation management through AI-powered deep listening. We make it easy for multi-location brands to drive real-time impact through relevant insights in critical moments that matter.

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