
Navigating the benefits and challenges of labor-saving digital devices in foodservice

Pre-moistened disposable wipes are a quick and effective solution for maintaining the cleanliness of POS systems, self-serve kiosks, and digital screens as well as customer and employee hands.

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Navigating the benefits and challenges of labor-saving digital devices in foodservicePhoto: Sani Professional

| by Fast Casual

In the face of a prolonged labor shortage, restaurants are adapting. Many franchises are now using digital devices to streamline tasks and to lighten the workload for their staff, establishing a new operational norm. As establishments continue to embrace labor-saving technology, the implementation of efficient practices for keeping these surfaces clean and minimizing the risk of cross-contamination is becoming more crucial.

The foodservice industry has long been at the forefront of innovation due to the need for operators to adapt quickly to changing consumer preferences and market dynamics. So, it's no surprise that as a response to a shortage of labor, self-service digital kiosks have quickly become an integral part of the dining experience. These user-friendly touchscreens empower customers to place orders, customize their meals and complete transactions seamlessly, which reduces reliance on traditional cashier roles.

While point-of-sale (POS) devices have been a technology staple in the foodservice industry for years, their functionality has evolved significantly. Modern POS systems are equipped with advanced features like inventory management, order tracking, revenue-boosting promotional features and data analytics. These systems enable foodservice operators to increase the bottom line, optimize processes, reduce errors, and gain valuable insights into customer preferences. By improving operational efficiency, digital POS systems can enable the existing workforce to focus on more complex tasks that require a human touch.

Digital screens not only elevate the visual appeal of the dining environment, but also provide a flexible platform for promoting specials, adjusting prices and adapting to changing menus. This adaptability is crucial in a fast-paced industry where flexibility is key in meeting customer demands and managing resources effectively.

However, with the increased use of digital devices in restaurants, there is a parallel need for effective solutions to maintain their cleanliness and ensure optimal functionality since digital devices can serve as breeding grounds for bacteria transferred from hands and other contaminated surfaces.

Pre-moistened disposable wipes are a quick and effective solution for maintaining the cleanliness of POS systems, self-serve kiosks, and digital screens as well as customer and employee hands. By providing easy-to-use hand sanitizing wipes like Sani Professional Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing wipes, you can prevent bacteria transfer to devices while also boosting customer perception of cleanliness. Additionally, Sani Professional No-Rinse Sanitizing, Sani Professional Cleaning and Sani Professional Heavy-Duty wipes all clean digital devices* making them a crucial asset in helping you avoid harsh chemical cleaners and excessive moisture – like the traditional bucket and rag - that can cause deleterious effects on your investment.

The intuitive design of ready-to-use wipes also enables staff to seamlessly integrate them into existing protocols, minimizing the training time needed to maintain a consistently high standard of cleanliness in the restaurant. While traditional cleaning methods often involve multiple steps and cleaning agents, disposable wipes are pre-moistened with the appropriate amount of cleaning solution, offering a one-step process which significantly reduces the time and effort required for effective cleaning. Their disposable nature also eliminates the need for more complex cleaning routines, helping to ensure that even short-staffed operators can easily complete sanitation protocols between customer interactions. Such ease of use is a game-changer for restaurant staff and managers in keeping self-serve kiosks clean.

As the restaurant industry continues to navigate the challenges posed by the ongoing national labor shortage, digital solutions will continue to have a vital role to play. Sani Professional, the no. 1 brand of Foodservice Wipes, offers several products appropriate for use on digital devices that can revolutionize the way foodservice operators approach cleaning and sanitizing their expensive labor-saving investments. The simplicity, efficiency and reduced training time associated with disposable wipes make them an indispensable tool in maintaining cleanliness in today's high-tech restaurant spaces.

Need assistance in evaluating the right solution for your business? Let Sani Professional connect you with the right cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting or hand hygiene program that works for you! Visit https://saniprofessional.com/contact-us/ to learn more.

*Consult manufacturer's instructions prior to use.

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