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5 best Airbnb property management companies

  Posted in Resources  Last updated 9/05/2024

What is an Airbnb property management service?

An Airbnb property management service is designed to streamline your short-term rental operations by handling essential tasks such as listing optimisation, guest communication, and check-in/check-out logistics. Depending on the nature of their services, they may take care of housekeeping, maintenance, and ensure compliance with local regulations, allowing you to focus on expanding your portfolio and increasing your revenue.

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Why are hotels using Airbnb management companies?

You may turn to Airbnb management companies to tap into a new revenue stream by listing rooms on platforms like Airbnb, which opens up access to a wider market. These management companies bring expertise in pricing strategies, leveraging dynamic pricing to boost occupancy during off-peak periods, ultimately driving additional revenue. By outsourcing guest communication, housekeeping, and listing management, hotels can streamline their operations and reduce costs, while benefiting from the specialised knowledge these companies have in short-term rentals.

How much do Airbnb management companies charge?

The fee structure can vary, with some management companies offering a flat fee for certain services, while others operate on a commission basis.

For those on commission, the cost of an Airbnb management agreement typically stands at fees ranging from 10% to 30% of the rental income generated by a property. The exact percentage depends on the range of services provided, the location of the property, and the specific management company. Some companies might also charge additional fees for services such as cleaning, maintenance, and special guest services.

This also significantly depends on the nature of the management company itself. Some property management companies provide actual staff as part of their service. Meanwhile, other Airbnb property management contracts consist of pure software that integrates with and streamlines your existing systems.

Learn how you can seamlessly connect your property listings to Airbnb, helping you maximise bookings and streamline operations with ease.

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How to manage Airbnb properties

Successfully managing Airbnb properties involves several essential strategies to attract guests, maximise revenue, and ensure a smooth operation. Here are ten key steps to guide you through effective Airbnb property management:

  1. Optimise your listings to stand out from the competition. Craft compelling descriptions, provide accurate information, and upload high-quality photos that showcase the property’s best features.
  2. Use dynamic pricing to adjust your rates based on demand, seasonality, and market trends. This will help you maximise occupancy and revenue.
  3. Communicate with guests promptly and professionally. Provide clear instructions for check-in/check-out and respond quickly to inquiries to enhance the guest experience.
  4. Ensure cleaning and maintenance are up to standard. Regularly clean the property between guests and keep it well-maintained to ensure positive reviews and repeat bookings.
  5. Stay compliant with local regulations by understanding and adhering to licensing, tax, and zoning laws related to short-term rentals in your area.
  6. Utilise technology tools to streamline tasks like bookings, communication, and pricing. Property management software can automate these processes and reduce the risk of errors.
  7. Manage finances effectively by tracking income and expenses. Ensure funds are available for taxes and unexpected costs.
  8. Encourage customer reviews to build credibility. Handle negative feedback professionally to improve future guest experiences.
  9. Market your property through various channels to increase visibility. Listing on multiple platforms and using social media can help promote your property.
  10. Consider partnering with a property management company if managing the property becomes overwhelming. A specialised company can provide expertise and handle the workload.

How much should you pay someone to manage an Airbnb?

It’s not common for a medium to large sized hotel to have a dedicated “Airbnb manager” on staff – though there are always exceptions to trends. Boutique or smaller chain hotels might want to tap into the short-term rental market offered by Airbnb, and so might hire someone specifically to set up listings, manage bookings, and co-ordinate guest communications through that platform alone.

However, for hotels that are set up with the right channel manager and booking engine to accommodate more streamlined operations, it’s far more likely (and less resource intensive) for existing staff members/team to tackle Airbnb management in the same way that they tackle guests sourced from other platforms.

In short, how much should you pay someone to manage an Airbnb? If you already have the right technology to integrate with this popular OTA, you’ll pay them whatever you’re already paying them.

Airbnb Property Management

How to manage Airbnb properties: 5 best Airbnb management companies

Airbnb is a powerful source of bookings, revenue, and new customers for hotels of all sizes – not just the bed-and-breakfasts where the platform cut its teeth. Below, we’ve uncovered the 5 best Airbnb management companies and platforms for more effectively integrating this channel into your everyday operations.

1. SiteMinder Airbnb channel manager

SiteMinder (that’s us!) is a cloud-based hotel commerce platform offering a channel manager that integrates with various platforms, including Airbnb. Its unique value lies in providing seamless connectivity between hotels and the Airbnb platform, helping you manage inventory, rates, and bookings efficiently through a single interface, even allowing you to manage your Airbnb remotely.

2. BnBerry

BnBerry is a management platform specialising in helping hotels and resorts list their properties on Airbnb and other short-term rental platforms. They offer a comprehensive management service, handling everything from listing optimisation to guest communication and dynamic pricing.

3. Airbnb

Airbnb itself is a peer-to-peer online marketplace that allows individuals and businesses to list, discover, and book accommodation around the world. They provide a vast network of hosts and guests, along with user-friendly tools that make property management and booking straightforward – though obviously limited to only those listings on Airbnb itself.

4. SynXis

SynXis is a hospitality technology provider offering a suite of solutions for distribution, reservations, and channel management. They provide a central reservation system that can connect hotels to Airbnb through channel management tools.

5. GuestCentric

GuestCentric provides hotel digital marketing software, including a channel manager that integrates with Airbnb. They offer an all-in-one platform that helps hoteliers manage their distribution channels, website, and digital marketing effectively to maximise direct bookings and guest engagement.

By Dean Elphick

Dean is the Senior Content Marketing Specialist of SiteMinder, the leading technology provider delivering hoteliers unbeatable revenue results. Dean has made writing and creating content his passion for the entirety of his professional life, which includes more than six years at SiteMinder. Through content, Dean aims to provide education, inspiration, assistance and value for accommodation businesses looking to improve the way they run their operations achieve their goals.

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