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TripAdvisor Channel Manager: Guide for Hotels

  Posted in Resources  Last updated 27/05/2024

What is a TripAdvisor channel manager?

A TripAdvisor channel manager is a specialised tool aimed at empowering hoteliers to enhance their online visibility across TripAdvisor’s vast booking platform.

By enabling real-time synchronisation of inventory and rates, a TripAdvisor channel manager (like SiteMinder) serves as a conduit between your hotel’s management system and TripAdvisor’s booking engine.

This ensures uniformity and minimises the risk of overbookings through real-time inventory management, rate management, booking management, auto sync, and additional features.

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Reasons to use a TripAdvisor channel manager

TripAdvisor presents a vast and purchase-ready audience to hotels like yours. Thousands of rooms are booked every day through this channel, but as with all opportunities, there are also risks.

TripAdvisor is a powerful platform, but it’s only as valuable as your ability to keep your hotel listings up to date and optimised for potential guests. 

Relying on manual updates is a surefire way to bloat your administration time and introduce the potential for human errors – such as the dreaded double bookings.

A TripAdvisor channel manager eliminates that challenge through smart automation, synchronisation, and platform-wide instant updates.

Additionally, efficiency is the cornerstone of effective hotel management. A TripAdvisor channel manager streamlines operations by centralising the management of bookings, reviews, and property details.

In short, a channel manager allows you to fully capitalise on your TripAdvisor audience by ensuring your listings and calendars are always up-to-date. 

How a TripAdvisor channel manager works

With the SiteMinder channel manager, any modifications to room rates or availability in your hotel’s system are instantly reflected on TripAdvisor.

This synchronisation is vital as it ensures that potential guests always have access to accurate information, thereby enhancing their booking experience and reducing the chances of overbooking or other discrepancies.

Through a simplified dashboard, hoteliers can effortlessly handle various administrative tasks, paving the way for more time to focus on enhancing guest satisfaction and other strategic initiatives.

And best of all? While you may invest in a channel manager to handle TripAdvisor bookings to begin with, the best channel managers can synchronise across every channel that you’re represented on – from to Agoda to TripAdvisor to direct bookings.

So all the benefits you’re seeing from your TripAdvisor channel manager expands to every channel.

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How to connect a channel manager to TripAdvisor

Choose the right channel manager

Selecting the right channel manager is the cornerstone of a successful integration. A channel manager like SiteMinder not only ensures seamless connectivity but also provides an intuitive interface for managing your listings on TripAdvisor and other platforms. Look for a channel manager that is reputable, reliable, and has good reviews from other hoteliers.

Set-up & configuration

Once you’ve chosen a channel manager, the next step is the setup and configuration. This process involves creating an account, inputting your hotel details, and configuring the connection between your Property Management System (PMS) and TripAdvisor. It’s crucial to follow the setup guidelines provided to ensure a successful integration.

Sync your inventory

With the channel manager set up, it’s time to sync your inventory. This step involves mapping your rooms, rates, and availability from your PMS to TripAdvisor. The syncing process ensures that all your listings are updated in real-time, minimising the chance of overbooking or discrepancies.

Optimise your listing

A well-optimised listing on TripAdvisor can significantly enhance your hotel’s visibility and attractiveness to potential guests. Ensure your listing has high-quality images, a compelling description, and all the necessary details like amenities, location, and contact information. It’s also a good practice to encourage and respond to reviews to maintain a positive online reputation.

Manage & analyse

Connecting a channel manager to TripAdvisor is not a set-and-forget task. It requires regular management and analysis to ensure you’re getting the desired results.

Monitor your listing’s performance, respond to guest reviews promptly, and analyse booking data to identify trends and areas for improvement. The insights gained can help you make informed decisions to optimise your pricing strategy and improve your hotel’s online presence.

Results when using a TripAdvisor channel manager

Alan and Maz, the proprietors of South Pacific BnB located at the serene Clifton Beach, were finding the manual management of bookings across various websites a cumbersome chore, especially when dealing with international guests from different time zones.

The turning point came when they were introduced to SiteMinder’s channel manager by a guest. With a month-long overseas vacation on the horizon, the urgency to streamline their online distribution was paramount to avoid any double bookings while they were away.

“As we were going overseas for a month, we needed to know that our booking calendars were in sync, so we wouldn’t get any double bookings. Since we also receive a lot of bookings from Europe and America, which are on different time zones, we wanted the reassurance that international bookings are being taken care of when we are not available.”

SiteMinder’s channel manager became their chosen solution, seamlessly listing South Pacific BnB on top booking channels worldwide, while ensuring real-time calendar synchronisation. This automation allowed 24/7 updates to their availability, an essential feature that catered to their international clientele.

The cloud capabilities of SiteMinder further empowered them to monitor bookings anytime, anywhere, on any device. Additionally, the automated availability function ensured potential guests always saw an accurate calendar—a critical aspect to maintain guest satisfaction and avoid any disappointments.

Upon integrating with SiteMinder, not only was the setup smooth and swift, but the impact was almost immediate. Alan and Maz set out on their vacation with the reassurance that their reservation calendar was accurate and up-to-date. 

The result? A notable 10% increase in business revenue and direct bookings over a span of 12 months, not to mention the invaluable peace of mind knowing that their bookings were being managed efficiently, even in their absence.

Their testimony underscores the transformative effect of leveraging a TripAdvisor channel manager, especially for medium-sized establishments seeking to optimise operations, enhance guest satisfaction, and drive revenue growth.

By Shine Colcol

Shine is the SEO and Content Manager of SiteMinder, the only software platform that unlocks the full revenue potential of hotels. With 5+ years of experience in content strategy, Shine has produced informational content across various industry topics, mostly about operations management and continuous improvement. She aims to share well-researched articles for hoteliers to discover how to optimize their time and increase room revenue.

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