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Axel Hotels enhances guest services and efficiency with Welcome Pickups and SiteMinder

  Posted in Case Studies  Last updated 15/03/2024

For Axel Hotels, hotel technology providers SiteMinder and Welcome Pickups have played a pivotal role in the group’s journey towards delivering exceptional hospitality services.

The integrated solution began with SiteMinder’s Hotel App Store, which offers customers the chance to connect with relevant applications that solve problems and offer operational opportunities. Welcome Pickups is one such app, providing personalised guest transportation services to help hotels offer a premium guest experience.

And, thanks to SiteMinder’s comprehensive channel manager, which provides guest reservation data to compliment personalised data on guests, the dynamic collaboration between SiteMinder and Welcome Pickups has significantly transformed the operations of Axel Hotels.


Axel Hotels is a boutique hotel group that proudly caters to the LGBTQ+ community, offering a unique and inclusive experience to its guests in a diverse environment. The group operates 10 stunning properties across destinations such as Barcelona, Berlin, San Sebastian, Madrid, Cuba, and Miami with plans for expansion in three new destinations in the near future. 


Axel Hotels began using SiteMinder in 2016, drawn to the platform’s user-friendliness, reliable connections, and outstanding customer support. The hotel group’s primary objective was to enhance its distribution capabilities, and SiteMinder’s extensive ecosystem—the largest of its kind within the global hotel industry—was a perfect fit for the group’s needs.

In their quest for efficient guest transportation and concierge services, Axel Hotels was introduced to Welcome Pickups via SiteMinder’s Hotel App Store. The decision to integrate Welcome Pickups into its portfolio was motivated by the convenience it offered in booking transfers. Currently, Welcome Pickups is implemented in most Axel Hotels properties.

Streamlined Onboarding Process

The integration process with Welcome Pickups was easy and straightforward for Axel Hotels with not much action needed from the hotel side. With SiteMinder’s smooth integration and assistance from the Welcome Pickups’ team, the transition was seamless.

Improved Guest Communication and Experience

Before connecting Welcome Pickups via SiteMinder, Axel Hotels faced challenges in guest communication, especially regarding essential trip information. 

“Guests often failed to provide essential trip information, such as flight numbers and arrival times. They also tended to respond late to our inquiries. Welcome Pickups helped us overcome these issues and streamline the process.”

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Enhanced Customer Experience

The integration of SiteMinder and Welcome Pickups has significantly improved Axel Hotels’ customer experience: “The integration (…) has allowed us to offer additional services that guests request but that we couldn’t previously provide.” For instance, Welcome Pickups promptly accommodated a guest’s request for a wheelchair-adapted car, demonstrating its ability to meet specific needs efficiently.

Operational Efficiency and Revenue Growth

Axel Hotels has reported an increase in revenue since partnering with Welcome Pickups, powered by SiteMinder’s powerful distribution platform.

The team attested to the reliability and efficiency of the partnership. The true value lies in the enhanced guest experience and positive reputation they maintain by offering this reliable service.

Guest Feedback and Reputation

Axel Hotels has also noticed an overall positive impact on their guests’ perception of the hotel group, with no incident reported since they began using SiteMinder to connect Welcome Pickups.

Employee Satisfaction and Upselling Opportunities

Axel Hotels’ team especially appreciates the convenience and efficiency of Welcome Pickups and its impact on their daily operations by releasing the team from manual work.

“Our staff are highly satisfied with Welcome Pickups, as it simplifies the process of booking services for guests.” It has also improved overall customer service and increased upselling opportunities.

Conclusion: Elevating the Guest Experience

Axel Hotels exemplifies how the integration between SiteMinder and Welcome Pickups can transform hotel operations and elevate the guest experience.

Absolutely, I would recommend hotels to use SiteMinder and Welcome Pickups. The reasons being: their excellent service, easy connection, consistent communication with guests, and reliable contact with drivers.”

By addressing challenges related to guest communication, expanding service offerings, and enhancing its reputation, Axel Hotels has set a new standard in delivering a memorable experience for its guests. The results are clear, with increased revenue and heightened guest satisfaction, all while maintaining the brand’s commitment to inclusivity and respect.