LEVEN Manchester partners with fitness brand ROAR

LEVEN Manchester ROAR

Sarah Lindsay [Credit: ROAR]

UK: Lifestyle hotel LEVEN Manchester from Wellbrook Hospitality has partnered with fitness brand ROAR.

It marks the first hotel collaboration for ROAR, as well as the first lifestyle partnership for LEVEN Manchester.

All guests at LEVEN will receive a 30-day complimentary access to ROAR classes on demand. The platform provides more than 385 streamed and live ROAR fitness classes which guests can take part in during and after their stay. Guests will receive a QR code on arrival to activate access.

Triple olympian Sarah Lindsay founded ROAR which holds exclusive, in-studio fitness classes at the brand’s flagship site in Kensington, London. Lindsay will record unique content for LEVEN including an introduction to the platform and advice on selecting workouts. Fitness equipment such as mats, dumbbells and kettlebells are now available for in-room use at LEVEN.

Lindsay said: “We are thrilled to be partnering with the amazing team at LEVEN for our first hotel collaboration. We’ve wanted to broaden our reach into the travel industry for some time and the freedom that LEVEN offers guests aligns perfectly with the ROAR ethos of inspiring people to achieve fitness goals, health and wellbeing to live their best life. 

“LEVEN are leading the pack in hospitality by ensuring guests are put first on all levels – now including their fitness. ROAR classes are especially designed to release endorphins, improve and maintain fitness in a perfectly full-body workout within a two-metre-square space – ideal for completing in a hotel room. I’m excited that this partnership will be the first of many in the future.” 

Timothy Griffin, co-founder of LEVEN and principal at Wellbrook Hospitality, added: “We are delighted to be partnering with ROAR and Sarah Lindsay on this unique partnership. At LEVEN, we are always looking to enhance our guest’s experience and develop partnerships with brands that share our values, allowing guests to experience the LEVEN way of life, in person or virtually.”

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