LodgIQ introduces DecisionIQ, a groundbreaking mobile app addressing hoteliers' urgent need for on-the-go rate updates. This innovative solution empowers executives to make real-time pricing decisions, freeing them from desk constraints. With positive feedback from early adopters, DecisionIQ promises to revolutionize hotel pricing strategies.

New York City, NY - In a breakthrough move, LodgIQ, the leading commercial strategy platform for hotels, announces DecisionIQ, a mobile app that empowers hotel executives to make effortless real-time rate updates.

The industry's fast-paced nature demands agility. Traditional systems tie hoteliers to desks, hindering quick response to market changes.

DecisionIQ enables users to update rates seamlessly on the fly, focusing on those critical close-in dates. From room type pricing to default differentials, the app covers it all.

This is a game-changer for hoteliers, especially at bustling properties where being tethered to a computer is impractical.

David Millili, LodgIQ's CEO, emphasizes the app's genesis from the industry's cry for flexibility. Hoteliers, juggling various responsibilities, needed a solution to price dynamically, even during weekends or on the go.

Now, with DecisionIQ, you don't have to be tied to your desk. Whether at home or on-site, pricing updates are just a few taps away, says David.

Early adopters praise the app's simplicity and functionality, expressing eagerness for more features.

LodgIQ's DecisionIQ is set to redefine how hoteliers approach pricing strategy. Are you ready to break free from the desk and manage rates on your own terms? The future of hotel pricing is at your fingertips.

About LodgIQ

LodgIQ™ is a leading commercial strategy platform for the hospitality industry, transforming data integration and decision-making for hotel commercial teams. Our platform consolidates Revenue, Sales, and Marketing data, providing insights into market trends and consumer behaviors for strategic, data-driven decisions. Evolving from an AI-enabled Revenue Management System, LodgIQ offers a real-time, comprehensive view of key metrics, enhancing room rate adjustments, marketing campaigns, and sales strategies. Committed to optimizing operations and maximizing revenue, LodgIQ is the essential tool for unified commercial strategies in hospitality.  Currently working with over 550 hotels LodgIQ"s products combine sophisticated machine learning with an intuitive and powerful user interface delivering advanced recommendations and actionable analytics. LodgIQ is headquartered in Silicon Valley, with offices in New York City, Phoenix, and Bangalore. For more information, visit lodgiq.com. 

Soobin Lee