Eco Friendly Tourism: A new era of conscious travel

As more people become conscious of environmental issues, eco-friendly tourism is growing in importance. Whether you’re interested in the subject as a whole or aspiring to a hospitality career, it’s important to know more about sustainable travel and tourism. In this article, we’ll look in more detail at what green tourism is and what it means for people with an interest in the hospitality business. We’ll also look at how you can learn more about hospitality and eco-tourism management and how to find a job in this field.

What is eco-friendly tourism?

Also commonly referred to as green travelling or planet-friendly travel, eco-friendly tourism is a commitment towards making choices that have minimal adverse impact on local communities and ecosystems. This type of tourism fosters respect for different cultures while reinforcing conservation efforts. It means using resources wisely and incorporating sustainable practices that preserve the ecosystem of an area, including its wildlife and nature. By highlighting responsible tourism and sustainable development and taking action to reduce environmental impact, carbon emissions and waste, eco-friendly hospitality companies have become catalysts for positive change. Eco-friendly hospitality contributes to preserving the earth’s diversity, while giving people the opportunity to experience it, by promoting responsible choices and understanding hospitality can help build a more sustainable world. Eco-friendly tourism lies at a unique intersection where leisure meets responsibility. It’s a symbiotic relationship between enjoyment derived from travel experiences and ensuring those travels do not have a negative environmental impact. It’s understanding hospitality companies have a duty to protect and conserve the environment, ensuring it can be enjoyed by travelers for many decades to come.

What are the key principles of eco-sustainable tourism?

Understanding eco-friendly tourism is vital for anyone who wants to work in hospitality. The main  principles are environmental respect, community support, conservation and sustainability. The following tenets characterize sustainability in the tourism industry:

  1. Minimize impact: reduce negative footprints by using less plastic, creating less waste, using natural resources responsibly and adopting green travel methods
  2. Build environmental awareness: educate travelers about their impact on biodiversity and ecosystems, fostering planet-friendly travel
  3. Provide positive experiences: offer enjoyable and authentic experiences while minimizing cultural tensions
  4. Support conservation efforts: contribute to local conservation projects to benefit nature and the local communities and help preserve it for future generations
  5. Empower local economies: support local communities and economies often overlooked in traditional tourism

By embracing these principles, we ensure exploration preserves and enriches our world without causing environmental issues. These key concepts are emphasized in certain hospitality degrees, where you learn how to succeed in the industry as well as how to minimize the environmental cost of travel. Benefits of eco-friendly tourism Eco-friendly tourism is rapidly gaining popularity as people realize resources should not be squandered and, with a little effort, travel can still be fun without contributing to environmental degradation. Hotels can implement green management policies and most guests appreciate these when it comes to conserving water, eliminating pollution and reducing waste. Eco-friendly tourism can deliver benefits in environmental, economic and social areas.


The primary environmental benefits of ecotourism are that it:

  1. Promotes natural habitat preservation and reduces traditional tourism’s negative impacts
  2. Encourages responsible behavior, minimizes waste and lowers carbon emissions
  3. Contributes to conservation efforts and helps combat global warming


Sustainable practices in the travel industry can help the economy of a local area by:

  1. Driving entrepreneurship and stimulating local economies, creating job opportunities
  2. Boosting investment in infrastructure, benefiting both travelers and host communities
  3. Enhancing destinations’ competitiveness in regional markets


Sustainable tourism also supports social and cultural development in local communities. For example, responsible tourism:

  1. Fosters respect for indigenous cultures and traditions, promoting cultural sensitivity
  2. Supports local artisans and preserves cultural heritage through crafted products
  3. Facilitates authentic cultural exchanges, enriching tourists’ experiences

By embracing eco-friendly tourism, hospitality companies not only make positive contributions but also sow the seeds for transformative changes. Sustainability is at the heart of these efforts, facilitating a harmonious relationship between travelers and local ecosystems.

What are eco-friendly hotels?

  Eco Friendly Hotel Body alvarez/E+ via Getty Images One of the key factors in green tourism in recent years has been the rise of eco-friendly hotels. Progressive resort management prioritizes not only environmental conservation but also guest comfort by incorporating innovative technology and sustainable practices into their operations. These venues embody sustainable travel practices by actively minimizing their impact on the environment. The e­mergence of e­nvironmentally friendly hotels gives travelers more options for journeys with a minimal environmental footprint. When travelers want a luxurious ye­t environmentally conscious place to stay, e­co-friendly hotels are the perfect choice. These hotels prioritize both luxury and nature­ preservation, ensuring a guest’s experience is enjoyable and sustainable.

What makes a hotel eco-friendly?

Eco-friendly hote­ls try to follow a collection of principles aimed at reducing the environmental impact of tourism. The exact criteria for an eco-friendly hotel are not rigidly defined, but there are several aspects to consider, such as energy efficiency and waste management.


Many e­co-friendly hotels proudly display environme­ntal certifications, which indicate their de­dication to sustainable practices. These­ certifications help build guest confide­nce in the hotel’s commitme­nt to responsible travel and sustainability in hospitality.

Energy efficie­ncy

Eco-friendly hotels focus on using renewable e­nergy sources such as solar and wind power. The­y also use energy-e­fficient appliances and lighting systems, which he­lps reduce the consumption of non-re­newable ene­rgy.

Sustainable de­sign

When it comes to architectural de­sign, incorporating sustainable practices means using locally source­d materials and repurposing existing structure­s and materials. Innovation in hotels means there are new technological solutions that can be now drawn on when designing hotels, which helps to minimize their ecological impact.

Waste manage­ment

Effective waste management systems are key for increasing sustainability. These systems e­ncompass recycling, proper disposal of solid waste and manage­ment of liquid waste.

Sustainable dining

Eco-frie­ndly venues often provide organic dining options that support local agriculture and offe­r guests sustainable culinary expe­riences. This can include avoiding food that has to be transported any significant distance and ensuring unused food is donated for farm use or by local shelters.

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Examples of eco-friendly hotels

Eco-friendly tourism is more than interacting with nature and green travel methods. Accommodation choice matters too. These top hotel brands offer both comfort and sustainability. Let’s look at some leading examples. Proximity Hotel, Greensboro, North Carolina:

  • LEED platinum certified for sustainability
  • Focus on sustainable materials and energy reduction
  • Rooftop solar panels provide energy and hot water

Whitepod Eco-Luxury Hotel, Swiss Alps:

  • Unique geodesic domes designed to maximize energy efficiency
  • Designed not to interrupt the vista of the local landscape
  • Lower emissions than standard hotels

Silky Oaks Lodge, Daintree National Park, Australia:

  • Set in UNESCO rainforest
  • Focuses on water management and conservation
  • A leading resort in eco tourism in Australia
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Popular eco-friendly destinations

As more people embrace planet-friendly travel, there is a rising number of destinations that are setting themselves apart for excellence in eco-tourism. If you want to work in eco-friendly hospitality, these are some of the top destinations to look at for inspiration. One of the great benefits of working in hospitality is having so many choices of places to work and the ability to choose roles where you can experience interesting cultures all over the world.

  • Costa Rica shines as a sustainable travel model with care for its rich biodiversity by adhering to strict environmental rules. Government policies actively promote green travel, making it a global eco-tourist hotspot
  • Singapore, the Garden City blends urban living and natural spaces seamlessly, showing sustainable travel doesn’t need to sacrifice modern comforts
  • Patagonia’s vast expanse in Argentina and Chile captivates tourists and is revered for protecting fragile ecosystems from tourist impact
  • Bhutan, a 100% organic nation, aims for zero emissions and waste by 2030 and will reap the rewards of focusing on travel sustainability

How to get a job in eco-tourism

As an emerging field, eco-tourism can be competitive. If you are interested in working in sustainable hospitality, there are a few things you can do to prepare yourself, such as:

  • Get a degree or certification in sustainable hospitality
  • Gain experience working in a sustainable hospitality setting
  • Network with people working in the field
  • Stay up to date on the latest sustainability trends

You should also aim to gain skills that will help you with hospitality management and sustainability initiatives. Some of these are soft skills, which you can use in almost any career. Those you should focus on include:

  • Knowledge of sustainable practices
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Technology skills
  • Teamworking
  • Adaptability

Conclusion: The future of eco-friendly tourism

Working in eco tourism is an opportunity to care for the natural world while creating exceptional travel experiences for a wide range of people. A career in ecotourism incorporates many facets, from directing sustainability practices to overseeing how hotels can manage waste more effectively and reduce water consumption. At its best, eco-friendly tourism provides enriching experiences for both travelers and those who deliver them. The practical benefits of eco tourism will help ensure future generations can continue to enjoy travel and the natural world. Eco tourism can offer a distinctive blend of adventure and conservation, making it an attractive career path for those who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. If you want to work in this exciting field, you can start by getting a degree from a globally respected hospitality school, so why not start your journey today with Les Roches? Photo Credit Main Image: Oleh_Slobodeniuk/E+ via Getty Images