
Stirling Highland launches internships for adults with learning disabilities

The Project Search initiative is designed to equip young individuals with not just employability skills but also social and life competencies essential for personal growth and professional development

The Project Search initiative is designed to equip young individuals with not just employability skills but also social and life competencies essential for personal growth and professional development.

The Stirling Highland Hotel, a member of the Cairn Hotel group, has launched Project Search, a internship programme in partnership with Forth Valley College, Stirling Council, and other leading employability organisations.

Seven enthusiastic interns – Craig, Maisie, Amy, Brian, Annalise, Joe, and Lily – have joined the hotel’s team. They are undertaking three bespoke rotations across the hotel’s various departments including the restaurant, spa and leisure centre, front of house, maintenance, housekeeping and the kitchen.

This diverse exposure is intended to “cultivate a multitude of skill sets, from customer service to technical prowess”.


The Project Search initiative is designed to equip young individuals with not just employability skills but also social and life competencies essential for personal growth and professional development.

The Stirling Highland Hotel, said its environment offers a real-life context for interns to thrive under guidance, increasing their confidence and independence.

By the end of the nine-month programme, the goal is for each participant to have gained not only practical hotel industry experience but also a solid foundation for sustained employment.

Derek Anderson, general manager at Stirling Highland, said: “We are delighted to be given the opportunity to be a part of Project Search and develop young adults as they make their way into the working world, launching their careers. The progress the team has made since coming onboard has truly been inspiring and we look forward to what the future brings.”

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