Source: Cendyn™

Cendyn, a catalyst for digital transformation in the hospitality industry, proudly announces the strategic acquisition of WIHP, an industry leader in hotel digital marketing services and technology. The acquisition signifies a key milestone in Cendyn's quest to facilitate profitable revenue growth for the hospitality industry through continued investment in driving direct bookings.

For close to 30 years, Cendyn has established itself as a pioneer in empowering people to excel in hospitality through world-class technology and services. This commitment enables hoteliers to foster deeper guest relationships, increase direct bookings, and enhance overall bottom-line results.

The merger between Cendyn and WIHP represents a leap for Cendyn, reinforcing its EMEA and global footprint at a time when the industry is focused on driving more profitable revenue. By joining forces, the two entities create a digital ecosystem that empowers clients of both Cendyn and WIHP to generate profitable revenue growth driven through their direct booking channels.

We are thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with WIHP, The synergy between both companies is remarkable, and with WIHP's metasearch prowess, this merger reaffirms our commitment to driving more demand for our customers’ most profitable direct booking channel.  Jack Blaha, CEO at Cendyn
At the core of this transformative acquisition lies two true digital leaders in the industry. Marrying Cendyn's rich heritage with WIHP's state-of-the-art metasearch expertise establishes a new epoch in the hospitality industry. We are incredibly excited to see what we can achieve together for our industry. Vincent Ramelli, CEO at WIHP

As Cendyn and WIHP unite under this acquisition, hoteliers can expect a revolutionized approach to hotel digital marketing services, setting an elevated standard for the future of hospitality technology.

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About Cendyn

Cendyn is a global hospitality cloud-based technology company that enables hotels to drive revenue, maximize profitability, and create deeper connections with guests through its integrated solutions. Serving hoteliers for nearly 30 years, Cendyn drives commercial success for hotels through its Find, Book, Grow promise: find the right guests; drive them to book direct, and grow loyalty and revenue across the spectrum of digital guest interactions. To find out more, visit

Laura Cerfus
Marketing Coordinator