
As we anticipate the next wave of food trends emerging in 2024, we are seeing that consumers are concerned about sustainability and a mindful approach to eating and imbibing. The trend of low ABV and zero-proof cocktails will continue to rise in addition to ingredients with functional properties ranging from mushrooms to cannabinoids. Further, sustainability and sourcing locally remain at the forefront of both the industry and consumers’ minds which we believe will continue to evolve as operators implement advanced technologies and practices that reduce their carbon footprint in a more impactful way.

With this in mind, here is what we are anticipating seeing more of on menus and throughout the industry next year.

Ancient Grains and Heritage Ingredients

Heritage grains and ancient ingredients are making a comeback in the culinary world. Quinoa, amaranth, teff, and heritage wheat varieties are used in dishes like ancient grain salads, sourdough bread, and grain bowls, adding depth of flavor and a healthy twist to classic recipes.

Innovative Food Technologies

Advancements in food technology will lead to the emergence of novel food products. Expect more plant-based meat alternatives that closely mimic the taste and texture of traditional meats, lab-grown proteins, and 3D-printed foods offering sustainable and customizable options.

Upcycled – Zero Waste

As sustainability becomes a pressing concern, restaurants and bars will increasingly use upcycled ingredients to reduce food waste. By creatively incorporating byproducts or overlooked parts of fruits, vegetables, and grains into dishes, chefs will offer environmentally friendly and innovative menu items. Consumers are also becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of single-use plastics and excessive waste in the food and beverage industry. Restaurants and bars will continue to adopt sustainable packaging and compostable materials to extend their zero-waist initiatives and appeal to environmentally conscious diners.

Functional Foods and Adaptogens

Consumers will seek out foods with functional benefits beyond basic nutrition. Ingredients like adaptogenic herbs, CBD-infused foods, and stress-reducing nutrients will gain popularity as people prioritize holistic wellness through their diets.

All Things Mushrooms

The trend of mushrooms in food and beverages is growing. Their unique flavor, texture, and nutritional benefits appeal to younger generations. They are used as plant-based meat alternatives and in innovative products like jerky and pizza crusts. In beverages, mushroom-infused drinks, like coffees and teas, are gaining popularity, and some breweries are experimenting with mushroom beers. The versatility of mushrooms meets the demand for sustainable and nutritious options, making them a sought-after ingredient. Specialty mushrooms are now more available in retail than ever before.

Hyper-local Sourcing Sustainability

Supporting local communities are at the forefront of the restaurant and bar industry. Chefs are sourcing ingredients from nearby farms, artisanal producers, and rooftop gardens, reducing their carbon footprint and promoting seasonal and fresh flavors. Some establishments even have on-site gardens or collaborate with local farmers to provide exclusive menu items.

Microbiome-Friendly Foods

As gut health research advances, there will be a surge in foods designed to support and improve the gut microbiome. Probiotic-rich, fermented vegetables and prebiotic-enhanced products will become more popular as consumers seek to optimize their digestive health.

Sustainability in Brewing and Distilling

Breweries and distilleries will prioritize sustainability efforts, implementing eco-friendly production processes, packaging, and sourcing. Organic beers, biodynamic wines, and spirits from local, organic ingredients will be highly coveted.

CBD-infused Beverages

CBD-infused beverages have gained popularity for their purported health benefits, such as stress relief and relaxation. Restaurants and bars are incorporating CBD into cocktails, mocktails, and even coffee drinks, providing customers with a unique and calming beverage experience.

Low-ABV and Non-Alcoholic Cocktails

The rise of health-conscious drinking habits has led to an increase in low-alcohol and alcohol-free cocktail options. Bartenders are crafting creative and flavorful non-alcoholic beverages, like virgin mojitos, alcohol-free gin and tonics, and sophisticated mocktails that cater to both designated drivers and those looking for a lighter drink option.

In summary, the industry will need to continue to evolve its methods to meet consumer demand of wanting a mindful lifestyle with sustainability at the forefront of the conversation. By focusing on eco-friendly practices, sourcing locally and incorporating functional ingredients into recipes, operators can stay relevant while remaining connected with guests’ mission-forward approach to dining out.