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Margaret Georgiou to step down from Savoy Educational Trust

The Savoy Educational Trust is an independent, grant giving charitable trust, whose main aim is to advance and support education and professional development within the hospitality industry

Margaret Georgiou, administrator and secretary to the Trustees, has announced that she is to step down from her role at the Savoy Educational Trust after 35 years of service.

She joined the Trust in 1988 and worked alongside Martin Radcliffe who was then the legal and training director for the Savoy Hotel.

In 1998, Georgiou helped with the discussions, transfer and realisation of the Trust’s shares when the Savoy Hotel PLC was sold to Blackstone.

It said she has been “instrumental” in growing the activity of the Trust and has overseen the distribution of more than £20m in grants for educational and professional development projects in hospitality.


Georgiou said: “I am honoured to have been part of such a special charity for most of my career and very proud of what we have achieved. The grants we award make such a difference to those who wish to pursue a career in hospitality, and it has been a privilege to see the positive impact the Trust had made to so many during my time here.

“I leave the Trust in good hands and I am sure it will continue its valuable work, supporting many more important projects that hugely benefit the sector, and I wish it well.”

Angela Maher, CEO, added: “I am incredibly grateful to Margaret for the legacy that she has been instrumental in building. A true ambassador for both the Trust and the hospitality industry, it will be an honour to see the impact that her efforts will continue to make for years to come.”

The Savoy Educational Trust is an independent, grant giving charitable trust, whose main aim is to advance and support education and professional development within the hospitality industry.


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