The New Era of Restaurant Cleaning and Hygiene

Hygiene and cleanliness often go hand in hand, but adoption and follow-through with measures like disinfection, handwashing, and hand sanitizer use within commercial facilities were not as consistent prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Without the widespread threat of infection, cleaning was previously more focused on appearance than protecting public health and was not as strategic as it needs to be today. 

The pandemic has made it clear: restaurant guests demand cleanliness, and this new emphasis is here to stay. Now, restaurant owners and managers can be confident in their readiness against pathogens and reassure guests and employees by committing to cleanliness and effectively communicating their approach to the public. 

Building Trust Through CleanlinessThroughout the pandemic, many restaurants have faced the challenge of restoring trust and assuring guests they’re doing everything in their power to keep them safe and healthy. According to PwC, consumers are most influenced…