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Point A Hotels appoints new guest experience specialist

Annie Cowell will focus on understanding, standardising and optimising the guest experience across all ten Point A properties, including promoting local partnerships to enhance each guest's stay

Queensway Group, a developer and management platform for hospitality brands, has recently appointed Annie Cowell as guest experience specialist for Point A Hotels

Cowell brings over a decade of customer-focused experience to the role. Most recently, her position as new programs manager at leading consumer goods and food delivery company GoPuff saw her introduce a series of innovative revenue streams driving customer preference within the sector. 

She joins Point A Hotels at a time of rapid expansion, including the recent renovation of Point A’s King’s Cross site, continued extension of the Canary Wharf property and further development of two central Dublin locations. 

Her new role will focus on understanding, standardising and optimising the guest experience across all ten Point A properties, including promoting local partnerships to enhance each guest’s stay. 


In addition, she will oversee the identification and utilisation of pioneering technology, including the existing self check-in, and room selection technology for those who book directly.

Nic Wenn, managing director, said: “Annie joins Queensway Group at a key chapter in our ongoing growth story. Her unique skill set will allow us to not only fully understand who our existing and potential customers are but ensure the continuous improvement of the customer experience across all Point A Hotels with a focus on new technologies.”

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