
HotelIQ Unveils Enterprise View Dashboards to Transform Multi-Property Commercial Analysis

Tech.eX - HotelIQ LogoHotelIQ which gives hoteliers access to accurate, consistent property data across siloed business operations, facilitating collaboration to identify new revenue opportunities –  is excited to announce the launch of a revolutionary new feature in the company’s Decision Cloud solution: Enterprise View Dashboards. The six new dashboards – Market Segments, Booking Channels, Room Types, Pick-Up, Pace and Forecast & Budget – will elevate multi-property data aggregation and analytics to unprecedented levels, ultimately leading to improved commercial performance.  

Designed for intuitive use, these dashboards offer users a comprehensive overview of a hotel group’s entire portfolio, allowing for both a broad panorama and a deep dive into granular details using HotelIQ Smart Search. This dual approach enables users to uncover valuable insights that were previously hidden in complex data sets. enabling users to filter data at the rate code level.

Each dashboard is expertly designed to cater to different aspects of multi-property management, offering varied perspectives and detailed analytics. Recognizing the unique needs of different organizations, HotelIQ offers three customizable filter slots; users can tailor these slots to highlight the information most crucial to their business, be it Brand, Region, Owner, or other key metrics.

“The HotelIQ Enterprise View Dashboards mark a significant leap forward in multi-property data analysis,” said Apo Demirtas, CEO & Founder of HotelIQ. “Empowering our users with panoramic overviews and customizable filters will transform the way they analyze and interpret data, especially across multiple properties, resulting in improved commercial outcomes. By offering nuanced insights and a user-friendly interface, these dashboards empower hoteliers to make informed decisions, optimize strategies and stay ahead in a competitive market.”

Whether managing multiple properties, analyzing performance across regions or optimizing business strategies, HotelIQ Enterprise View Dashboards provide hoteliers with the data necessary for informed decision-making, leading to increased overall profitability and operational efficiency.

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Tags: Dashboards, HotelIQ, Multi-Property Commercial Analysis



Where Hospitality Intelligence Meets Innovative Data Analysis. HotelIQ Decision Cloud gives hoteliers the vision, insights, and processes they need to excel as a business.

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