
1 Hotels launches certified sustainable gatherings: Creating eco-conscious events rooted in respect for nature

1 Hotels, the mission-driven luxury lifestyle brand, is introducing Certified Sustainable Gatherings, a new approach that offers1 Hotels the opportunity to create stunning, unforgettable events that are designed to minimize environmental impact. Whether it’s a corporate event, gala, meeting, wedding or private celebration, Certified Sustainable Gatherings provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to bring your vision to life while working in harmony with the planet.

At 1 Hotels, commitment to sustainability has always been at the forefront of event (and meeting) planning. The newly introduced Certified Sustainable Gatherings offers clients the opportunity to plan an event that is fully dedicated to eco-consciousness. 1 Hotels has partnered with Foodprint Group to offer comprehensive third-party certification, ensuring that the entire planning process is meticulously designed to assist clients in sourcing sustainable materials, minimizing single-use plastic waste, lowering carbon emissions, and diverting at least 90% of all waste generated throughout the event lifecycle.

“We are thrilled to put our best practices to work as building blocks for Certified Sustainable Gatherings,” said Christina Grace, CEO, of Foodprint Group. “Pilot events at all properties were wildly successful thanks to 1 Hotels’ highly collaborative process from planning through clean-up and the rigor of our holistic points-based standard. By launching Certified Sustainable Gatherings, 1 Hotels once again demonstrates its leadership in the sustainable hospitality movement.”

Certified Sustainable Gatherings is focused on customization and flexibility, which allows clients to curate their events from start to finish in adherence to’ six guiding principles. Rather than an all-or-nothing approach, the program offers a framework that allows the client to curate an event according to their specific needs. Categories include:

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  1. Reduce Waste with Haste: Hone in on waste infrastructure and processing (recycling and composting).
  2. Sip & Savor, Sustainably: Get creative with locally sourced, low-waste menus.
  3. Value-Based Vendors: Choose from our vetted local vendor list or bring your own.
  4. Curate Your Do-Good Décor: Explore unique ways to bring your vision to life while considering the entire lifecycle of each element.
  5. Select Serviceware That Serves the Planet: Elevate your event and uplift the world around you by eliminating single-use plastic serviceware.
  6. Communicate Consciously: We help you communicate your low-waste mission to your guests and vendors, amplifying the positive impact of your event.
  7. Leave With Memory and Measurements:  Leave your event with certified results that highlight your waste diversion efforts.

Prior to launching Certified Sustainable Gatherings, 1 Hotels piloted a wide range of test events, including dinner parties, corporate events, weddings, and private celebrations; each achieved over 90% waste diversion. The brand found that through innovation and thoughtful planning— reusable silk floral decor and candles, donating food, and printing on recyclable paper— guests can host an unforgettable, personalized event that also prioritizes the Earth.

As the first mission-driven hospitality brand with a focus on environmental responsibility and conservation, 1 Hotels has been at the forefront of sustainability since its inception. “Each hotel is designed to celebrate the local area’s natural environment and offer an oasis that integrates the best of sustainable design and architecture with extraordinary comfort and unrivaled service,” said Matt Erickson, President, Food & Beverage, SH Hotels & Resorts. “Certified Sustainable Gatherings is a natural extension of this commitment, offering clients a new way to make a positive impact on the planet while enjoying an unforgettable event.”

Tags: 1 Hotels, certified sustainable gatherings, eco-conscious, respect for nature


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