
The Bell Hotel Saxmundham completes expansion

The hotel worked with Suffolk based designers Cotton Tree Interiors on the project

The Bell Hotel Saxmundham has announced the completion of its latest set of expansion work.

The boutique hotel now has three extra rooms, terrace space, and private dining, alongside key accessibility features.

As well as this the hotel hired artisan builders to complete the sympathetic exterior refurbishment on the Grade II listed site and reimagine the new reception and dining areas.

The team also found a way to integrate a lift into the 180-year-old building adding a key mobility feature.


Ashley Beale, general manager, said: “After three months of construction, I’m excited to show our visiting tourists, local regulars, and destination diners what we have achieved. Finally getting the lift installed means we can now welcome everyone, something that has been on our minds from day one.

“I also can’t thank our local design partner Cotton Tree Interiors enough for bringing their skill and commitment to this project. The unique theming in each room adds real depth to the top-class guest experience we offer here.”

The hotel worked with Suffolk based designers Cotton Tree Interiors on the project.

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