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Hospitality Action appoints new chair

The charity will continue its Employee Assistance Programme even following the departure of outgoing chair William Baxter CBE

Hospitality Action has recently appointed Jonathan Raggett as the new chair of its trustee board, following the departure of William Baxter CBE.

Under Baxter’s leadership, the charity has been a catalyst for change, especially with the creation of the Employee Assistance Programme a decade ago. The programme, which now protects 200,000 hospitality professionals and sets the standard in employee care for the sector, will be a lasting legacy even after his departure. 

Raggett, who is CEO of Red Carnation Hotels, said: “I’m delighted to be stepping into the role of Chair of Trustees at such an exciting and important time for the charity. In my existing role as a trustee, and during my professional life I have seen how Hospitality Action’s work has made a positive impact on people’s lives during a time of difficulty.

“Our industry needs Hospitality Action, now more than ever before, and as a life-long supporter of the charity I can’t wait to get more involved to support the strategic direction and ambitious growth plans the team are developing.”


In addition, Hospitality Action has also welcomed Danny Pecorelli to the board as well as new patrons Atul Kochhar, Chantelle Nicholson, Craig Prentice, Vivek Singh, Michel Roux Jr, and Cyrus and Pervin Todiwala.

Nicholson said: “Hospitality Action is an organisation whose work I have supported for many years, a much-needed sense of security for our industry as a whole, so I’m thrilled to be joining as a Patron, to be able to further amplify their work.”

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