Looking to Increase Traffic to Your Restaurant? Try Holograms

There’s rarely been a more difficult time for restaurants than the past year. Combining a shortage of customers and employees as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with the ongoing flux of health code restrictions, restaurants are struggling to drive traffic and relevance within respective customer bases. Put simply, now that America is finally able to dine-in, there’s a frenzy on the business end to net as many customers as possible — but it’s easier said than done.

In the digital age, restaurants must put some focus on digital media, too. Whether it’s providing in-store entertainment, activating social media promotions or implementing QR-code menu options, the digital initiative among restaurateurs is clearly present, but it’s not enough. The highly saturated digital market means that digital strategy must stay ten steps ahead of the industry standard in order to succeed, a daunting task for industry leaders and newcomers alike.

Restaurateurs seeking to drive explosive…