person looking at spreadsheets rather than using decision intelligence analytics technology

This post emphasizes the significance of utilizing insights from three analytical categories — destination, guest, and operational — to transform the guest experience and enhance operational efficiency, substantially improving financial performance.

NB: This is an article from Demand Calendar

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What is analytics in hospitality?

Analytics in the hospitality industry refers to the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics related to various aspects of hospitality operations, including hotels, restaurants, travel, and tourism. It involves collecting, processing, and analyzing data to gain insights that can inform decision-making, improve customer service, optimize operations, and enhance the overall guest experience.

Is it essential?

ChatGPT says the importance of analytics in the hospitality industry cannot be overstated, as it provides several critical benefits:

  1. Improved Customer Experience: Analytics can help understand customer preferences, behaviors, and trends by analyzing data from various sources like booking patterns, reviews, and feedback.
  2. Operational Efficiency: By analyzing operational data, hospitality businesses can identify areas for improvement in their services, processes, and logistics.
  3. Revenue Management: Analytics plays a crucial role in revenue management by helping businesses optimize pricing strategies based on demand forecasting, market trends, and customer behavior.
  4. Market Trends and Competitor Analysis: By analyzing market trends and competitor performance, businesses can identify opportunities for growth, innovation, and differentiation.
  5. Risk Management: Analytics can help identify potential risks and vulnerabilities within operations, from financial to reputational risks.
  6. Enhanced Marketing Strategies: Data analytics allows for creating more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

In summary, analytics is a cornerstone of the modern hospitality industry, enabling businesses to make informed decisions, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive growth. The ability to swiftly adapt to changing market conditions and customer preferences based on insights derived from data analytics can be a significant competitive advantage in this dynamic industry.

Different discoveries and some worth noting

ChatGPT sounds very convincing, but ChatGPT has no idea what hospitality is about in real life. I had to ask a follow-up question: “What could an experienced hotelier discover by using analytics that he or she does not already know?”

I got a list of 31 different discoveries. Here are a few that are worth commenting on.

ChatGPT: Hidden Customer Segments: Analytics can reveal unexpected or niche customer segments by identifying patterns in booking behavior, preferences, and feedback. Understanding these segments allows for more targeted marketing and customized service offerings.

Again, it sounds convincing, but let’s analyze the likeliness of hidden segments and the impact an unknown segment could have on revenue and profits. If the segment is hidden from an experienced hotelier, it is small and has little effect on revenue and profitability. Understanding these segments would probably lead to not doing anything and instead focus on the important, growing, and profitable segments.

ChatGPT: Guest Experience Personalization: Analytics can identify individual guest preferences and behaviors, enabling hoteliers to offer highly personalized experiences, from room amenities to tailored activities. This can significantly enhance guest satisfaction and loyalty.

It sounds fantastic, in theory. The first requirement is that the hotel ask the guests about their preferences. That rarely happens. The second requirement is to store and use the information to attract and service the guests. This is also highly unlikely since hotels do not maintain high data quality. I have stayed at 500 hotels and never had a personalized experience.

Read the full article at Demand Calendar