Beating the Labor Crunch: Outsourced Strategies Are Key

As restaurants and other hospitality venues re-open and see increased demand from customers and guests, one thing is clear: labor shortages could slow their recovery, hampering businesses trying to capitalize on the booming consumer demand. From kitchen staff to waitstaff and janitors to managers, the industry is faced with one of the tightest labor markets in years amid an economic recovery from one of the worst crises in living memory.

While some point to the labor crunch as a short-term issue, this is likely wishful thinking.  Labor markets were tight in the years prior to the pandemic, with nearly a million restaurant and hospitality jobs going unfilled as recently as 2019, when Forbes sounded the alarm that “the ultimate service industry is experiencing epic problems in finding people to work.” As more venues open, restaurants are likely to continue to feel the on-going pressure of labor shortages.

An outsourcing strategy can help restaurants meet this ongoing labor…