Refine Your Restaurant’s Brand with These Three Questions

Building a restaurant’s brand is a lot like cooking. It’s part science, part craft. It requires statistical information about your target market, your geographic setting, and your market. It also requires creative thinking and a little soul-searching. When you get your brand right, more patrons show up for you, and they leave eager to spread the news. When you get it right, your marketing ROI is higher, your tables are more consistently reserved and your revenue is more consistently flush. 

So how do you get it right? Start by answering some critical questions to build a solid foundation for your restaurant’s brand identity.

Your Restaurant’s Brand Persona: Who Do You Think You Are?Let’s start here. If your restaurant was a person, who would it be? Pick any celebrity chef or archetypal character. Is your bakery the nurturing grandmother who makes visitors feel cozy and safe at the end of a rough day? Is your cafe the edgy chef who thrills patrons with edge-of-the-seat…