Trade Organisations

BHA calls for govt support amid sector’s growing financial woes

Prior to the budget, the BHA and UKH wrote an open letter to the chancellor that outlined the support needed to help their businesses survive

The Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA) has urged the government to do more to support the hospitality industry in the wake of growing financial pressures. 

This comes as the increase in the National Living Wage has taken effect. 

Raphael Herzog, chair of the BHA, said: “For the most part, all our pleas fell on deaf ears, and now that the wage increases have come into effect, it’s becoming even more challenging for hospitality businesses.


“Hotels are having to simply absorb the wage increases, but at what detriment? This week they said that the bills for going out, food and retail are increasing, so is the living wage increase good news to everyone? Certainly not.”

Prior to the budget, the BHA and UKH, along with more than 100 businesses, wrote an open letter to the chancellor that outlined the support needed to help their businesses survive. 

In addition, more than 40 MPs signed a letter to Jeremy Hunt urging him to support the hospitality and tourism industries.

He added: “We’re saying now that enough is enough and the government needs to open its eyes and fully appreciate the significant contribution the hospitality sector makes to the UK economy, and provide some meaningful support.”

UKH recently outlined three ways in which the government can ease the challenges the sector faces, such as the reintroduction of a reduced VAT rate on hospitality, leisure and tourism to return it to 12.5%, which matches European competitors.

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