Managing Your Vendor Network: The Key to Economically Sustainable Operations in the COVID Era

During the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent quarantine, most restaurants are just working to keep their doors open. One thing that is not typically top-of-mind during the quarantine is sustainability, even though sustainability could mean the difference between success and failure. Keep in mind, sustainability has three elements: social, environmental, and economic. The economic aspect of sustainability often takes a back seat to the other two elements, but right now, it’s the key to surviving and thriving in the time of COVID-19. 

One thing that many restaurants are not doing right now is taking the time to evaluate the core services that keep their businesses operating. In light of everything else, it doesn’t seem like a priority. The truth is: waste management, recycling, hood cleaning and grease trap services are more often than not a source of overspending and inefficiency. Taking the time to assess, centralize and consolidate your network of service providers ensures the…