Work Smart, Play Smart

Businesses are facing a whirlwind of turning points resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent “Great Resignation” period. It’s getting harder and harder to adapt and survive, especially in the ever-changing hospitality industry, but the best companies forge ahead.

Life in the trenches of a restaurant is stressful, perhaps a bit unnecessarily at times. As leaders who are focused on making our business stronger through thoughtful problem solving, we have had to take a hard look at how to meet that particular challenge. 

La Vida Hospitality believes in working as smart as you play, and encourages employees to Enjoy The Ride, a tried-and-true mantra for our approach to the work-life balance. 

We are keenly aware of the grind of our industry, making the need for a balanced life crucial while creating a mentality of awareness in the workplace. Although we always tried to foster a stress-free environment, we were not focused on the steps to drive it on a daily basis…