How Restaurant Tech Will Differentiate Brands Post-Pandemic

Across the country, states are beginning to lift restrictions so that restaurants can open with limited occupancy and enforced social distancing measures. As they reopen, restaurant operators will need to make some immediate changes so guests and employees feel safe. 

The pandemic has taught the society at large to transact online accelerating digital transformation within the restaurant and hospitality verticals.

As a new normal emerges, it will be more important than ever to elevate the dining experience with experiences that are personal and delightful. And this will take some time. Only 39 percent of respondents to a recent survey from CivicScience planned to go to a restaurant within a month of reopening, while 41 percent responded within one to five months, and 20 percent responded in six months or more. 

The pandemic has taught the society at large to transact online accelerating digital transformation within the restaurant and hospitality verticals. Therefore, restaurant…