As Pandemic Lingers, Adding Good Communication to the Menu Can Reduce Customer Concerns

Restaurants looking to avoid being 86’ed by the pandemic and its economic fallout have work to do. The good news is, with a thoughtful and ongoing communications plan this work can be accomplished while also promoting the restaurant to new and existing patrons.

With COVID-19 continuing to be a consideration for consumers across the U.S., the restaurant industry needs to respond by sending a message to the public that it is — and will continue to be — safe to return. 

Your Response MenuRegardless of your restaurant’s chosen policies in response to the pandemic — and there are a wide range of approaches — your customers need to know what they can expect when visiting your establishment. 

Both owned and earned media are available to nearly every restaurant that promotes itself to the public. These media should be leveraged to communicate in a style and voice that is authentic to your business and your policies so there is no guesswork on the part of your…