Automation Can Help with Restaurant Staffing Shortages

Despite industry-wide recovery from pandemic closures, restaurant owners and operators find themselves squeezed from both sides. In the back of the house, rampant inflation and ongoing supply chain disruptions are cutting into margins. Simultaneously, staffing is an urgent and ongoing front-of-house concern. According to the National Restaurant Association’s 2022 State of the Industry Report, seven out of 10 restaurant owners report not having enough workers to keep their business open at full capacity. And the majority expect this issue to persist for the rest of the year.

To solve staffing problems and save money, restaurant owners have to find more ways to increase automation. Here are four effective ways it can help your restaurant. 

Automation eliminates human error while increasing efficiency and margins. Until now, the restaurant industry has operated on outdated, analog technology like faxed orders and invoices in the mail. Many managers still keep paper ledgers…