Catering for Productivity: How to Make Your Kitchen Work Smarter

The productivity puzzle is one that is most complex in the catering industry. Skills shortages, margin pressures, and a high turnover, ‘revolving door’ culture contributes to a difficult environment to be time-efficient within, all while making sure you’re providing optimum customer service.In catering, where long shifts are often thought of as synonymous with cooked food, a more productive environment can also contribute to a boost in staff morale, with less late finishes and tedious tasks. In any commercial kitchen, there are assets which need monitoring. They can be vulnerable to failures if you don’t know the current status of the condition they’re in, haven’t recorded any faults, or worse - misplace your files.

An ice cream machine breaking or an oven that’s stopped working can cause a kitchen breakdown. A break/fix approach isn’t enough anymore, and it will have a critical impact on your ability to be productive and deliver that all important customer…