The Most Common Restaurant Kitchen Electrical Issues

Don’t let electrical problems put a halt to your dinner service. Maintaining and having electrical inspections done on your establishment’s electrical system is important in keeping the flow of your restaurant running and for your staff’s safety. In some extreme circumstances electrical issues can cause electrocution and even fires. This makes it important for restaurant owners, and managers to take steps in ensuring the maintenance of electrical equipment. In my 25 years of experience as an electrician these are the most common issues I see in restaurants.

Water and Electricity Do Not Work TogetherNever store or use electrical equipment near sinks or other areas involving water. If water spills or seeps into a piece of equipment, avoid unplugging and plugging it in with wet hands. Instead use thick rubber gloves to unplug the machine. Move the equipment to a safe place and dry thoroughly. Never handle electric kitchen equipment with wet hands or use on wet surfaces.
