Repurposing an Old Costume Shop into a Brewery

Aline Architecture Concepts took on the challenge to transform an old yellow costume shop in Phoenix into a modern brewery without creating the waste that normally accompanies typical building demolition and rebuilds. 

The outcome is Roses By the Stairs, which specializes in “spontaneous and seasonal” farmhouse ales, according to owner Jordan Ham. Located at 509 West McDowell Road, the site was home to Easley’s Fun Shop for more than 70 years.

“Jordan and our team wanted to design something that perfectly captures the spirit of the community and our values for repurposing existing structures to give them new life,” said Brian Laubenthal, Principal of Aline Architecture Concept. “The space was perfect for an adaptive reuse project and it is exciting we were able to create a beautiful brewery from the bones of the prefab metal building. “

Roses by the Stairs is a sustainable design because it used a minimalistic approach to repurpose as much of the building as possible…