Building a Winning CMO-CFO Relationship with Better Marketing Data

It’s a business tale as old as time: the newly-hired CMO figures he/she can move a whole lot of product if they can just get their hands on enough budget upfront to build out savvy online ordering tools, an app with a strong loyalty program, and a delivery solution with order injection, alongside the budget to market the brand on tv, build a social strategy injecting maximum snark and fun into social media, drive push notification strategy against marketing goals, and hire influencers from content houses to make TikToks about the drink menu.

You know, the usual in 2021.

The stately, longstanding finance executive who has never heard of TikTok will inevitably look at this plan and say, “Wow, no way. We can’t afford all that! I have no idea what a content house even is, and even if I did, I would only give you that money if you could prove upfront what the ROI would be.”

Enter: the stalemate. 

This push and pull -- left brain against right brain, the science against art, ROI…