Eight Ways Restaurants Can Prepare for a New Normal 

The emerging consensus for dealing with the coronavirus is the need for a transition back to “normality." That transition should see a gradual reopening of society with restaurants expected to return early while music festivals and ballparks may take longer.  Restaurateurs are being creative about managing their medium- to long-term operations as a cautious public return. Restaurant management software company Upserve and  restaurant-designers William Duff Architects  speak here about evolving trends they are seeing and discussed some ways the dining experience might look and feel different as the new normal unfolds.    

Dedicated Take-out Area for Staging The pandemic has encouraged many restaurants who had not considered take-out to start offering it. Online ordering systems like Upserve and third-party delivery apps have made this an increasingly realistic prospect.  

Senior Director of Communications at Upserve Amber van Moessner spoke…