Key Considerations to Make When Buying an Ice Machine

Ice machines form the backbone of several operations in a commercial foodservice establishment. Whether it’s a hotel or restaurant, ice machines help you save costs and ensure your customers are satisfied with your service. Ice is not only deployed at the bar or in the refreshments section but is also used in cooking operations. Needless to say, outfitting your establishment with a quality ice machine is integral to supporting your operational plans and endeavors.

It's essential that you understand the various factors that affect an ice machine’s performance and also take into account your business needs when purchasing an ice maker. We look at the key outliers that need to be factored in so you have a long-term ice solution for your business.

Considerations to Make Before Purchasing an Ice MachineHere are some important points to bear in mind when you’re looking for a new ice machine:

Decide on the Ice Machine TypeIce machines produce a variety of ice types. This includes…