It’s Time to Focus on the Good

Looking back on my last few articles, I have focused on facts, on technology and on the hard time that we are all having hiring staff. However, in the past few months, I have run across some incredible stories that are heartwarming and inspiring.  They remind us not only that there are great people out there, but also that many of them work for us! The common thread is that each story is about incredible staff and great managers and that, together, they support each other inside and outside of the restaurant. 

Caring ManagersAt one of my clients’ restaurants, a young cook suffered a serious injury outside of work. She had about a dozen stiches in her leg, but didn’t know how to care for her wound. When the chef and general manager found this out, they immediately jumped into action. They purchased bandages and went to her apartment. They showed her how to clean the affected area and change her bandages, and they made sure she was taking her medication properly. They visited her…