Going Mobile with Contactless ID for the Post-COVID Restaurant Experience

What are ways that restaurants can build business safely and reopen their doors as the future emerges -- even while COVID cases continue and vaccine distribution is happening?Restaurants that have reopened have had to navigate this socially distanced new world, juggling employee and customer safety, adhering to shifting government regulations, and maintaining the public’s confidence. As part of their pandemic strategy, many restaurateurs have invested in contactless solutions such as digital menu boards or mobile menus accessed via QR codes, to cut down on physical exchanges where germs could potentially be spread. Customers and restaurants are opting for contactless payment – tap cards, phone payments, and QR code-driven billing.

There is still the possibility for contamination when a bartender or waitstaff needs to check a patron’s ID to verify their age. To date, a thorough look at an ID requires handing over a physical credential – but now, the prospect of mobile…